

E hara tāku toa, i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini

Success does not come from the efforts of one alone, rather from the efforts of the collective.



Term 3 Saturday September 14 : Registration is open 

June resources and recordings


In Term 4 2023 we introduced AMAonline in action as part of our online Saturday morning and hoping it will grow in 2024

AMAonline in action gives you the opportunity to share a short overview [approx 10 minutes] of how you have used an idea gained from AMAonline or other source  rather than an full 45 minute presentation.

We are hoping to have 2 or 3 teachers share in a session at each AMAonline in 2024.

Term 4: November 4  recordings and resources

Term 3: Recordings and resources

Term 2 Resources & recordings  here 

If you are keen to share your expertise we would love to hear from you. Use the contact us button above to get in touch


2022 mornings resources and recordings


If you would like to share your stories and expertise on a future Saturday morning or have suggestions of topics you would like to hear more about please  get in touch.  Teachers love to hear what others are doing in their classroom, what works what doesn’t so please don’t be shy. We are here to help you if you feel a bit nervous about being online

If you haven’t yet caught up with what’s gone or want to revisit sessions you can catch up Term by Term by clicking the blue buttons below or from the Resource Archive Page

If you can’t remember when the session was use the search box and enter some keywords at the top of the page to help find the session you were looking for. We will index all the session shortly


Recordings and resources from past AMAonline sessions

To find recordings and resources use the search box above and type the presenters name or keywords from the session 




Year 0 - 8 Discussion Forums completed for 2020

These discussion forums are for you to connect and share with your colleagues in other school. Each session will include a “spotlight” section where participants are encouraged to share something from their practice. eg a new approach, a resource, a success story from the classroom. You will be able to signal this when you register

  • Wednesday 19th August. Achieving an effective balanced mathematics and statistics programme
  • Wednesday 23rd September. Mathematics and statistics assessment – purpose, tools and queries
  • Wednesday 4th November. What might a mathematics and statistics year overview look like?


These discussion forums were hosted by Marie Hirst, primary kaiārahi for AMA Networks of Expertise and Robyn Headifen, Kaiārahi for Years 7-13.